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A Short Introduction to the Common Law - de Geoffrey Samuel (Author)
Details A Short Introduction to the Common Law
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Le Titre Du Fichier | A Short Introduction to the Common Law |
Publié Le | 2014-09-26 |
Traducteur | Sen Natali |
Chiffre de Pages | 297 Pages |
Taille du fichier | 69.69 MB |
Langue | Français & Anglais |
Éditeur | Chelsea Green Publishing |
ISBN-10 | 8355499209-YPG |
Type de Données | ePub PDF AMZ BBeB TR3 |
Créateur | Geoffrey Samuel |
ISBN-13 | 483-7283065436-ERW |
Nom de Fichier | A-Short-Introduction-to-the-Common-Law.pdf |
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Geoffrey Samuel’s ‘A Short Introduction to the Common Law’ published by Edward Elgar is a book every student of English law should read and certainly any continental lawyer or jurist coming from a civil law tradition will undoubtedly find the English common law easier to understand after having read this book not just the civil process but the legal mindset that emerges from within a common law jurisdiction
1 Geoffrey SAMUEL A Short Introduction to the Common Law Cheltenham UK and Northampton Mass USA Edward Elgar 2013 XVI 183 pages
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1 Introduction à la Common Law Auteur Anne Jussiaume Maitre de Conférences en Droit Public à l Université Reims Champagne Ardenne Directriceadjointe du Centre Universitaire de Troyes
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